Wednesday, 17 January 2007


I'm about to go to laser force for the first time ever. I'm imagining it being way-cooler than Call of Duty 2 & no-where near as awesome as Paint-balling (not that I've been paint-balling either. So we'll see. More about that & the other cool things I've done recently later......


Jan on 18 January 2007 at 8:33 am said...

Hey, nice to hear from you! =) I wont write much more in that blog, not being in Australia and all, but I've started a new one in Swedish that you probably could run through one of those translator thingies if you happen to care. =)

Believe me, I was enjoying every second down there, but saying nice things is just not my thing... =P Also I kind of forgot all the bad things about my crap country, all the things I was painfully reminded of when I got back home =/

I'll definitly miss the poker nights, and I'm really curious how that card shuffler works =)
But believe me, the sneaky Swede will return =P

Anyway, I'll keep reading your blog and sometimes post annoying comments on how your country sucks (and write a thousand posts in my own blog how much my own one sucks)... =)

Enjoy the rest of your vacation!


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