Tuesday 13 November 2007

The 1

No better time than 1:20am to try and compose a meaningful blog post.

I don't believe in 'the one' as some Christian circles would portray it. You know, where God has your perfect soul-mate already picked out and he is preparing the two of you for each other & you will meet when all his preparations are complete.

My two main objections to that 'Hollywood' version of meeting that special someone are:

  1. People have this nasty habit of hurting and sabotaging relationships with one another. Whether accidentally or on purpose, it seems unlikely to me that God would punish such actions against 'The One' with eternal singleness.

  2. I believe than any person could potentially make a marriage relationship work with many different people. I believe this because love is a choice and not an emotion. I believe a marriage works when both people choose to love each other regardless of circumstances.
But rather than detract from romance, I think these things add to it! With #1, people can learn from their mistakes to improve future relationships. As for #2. Well out of all the (good) guys that are out there, Tiarnee choose this one!

If anyone is worried, I'm only planning on making a marriage relationship work with 1 person.

I wonder if this will make sense in the morning....


Achi Myachi on 15 November 2007 at 7:58 pm said...

I'm still trying to work out if I actually believe in the concept of the "one",

but I know for sure one thing I believe in is God's Will. And I want like anything else to just be obedient to that!


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