It seems whenever my life get busy with things like: Uni, Assignments, Empty Chair, Going Home for the weekend and IBM.
I become slack in the following areas: Eating well (if at all), Sleeping well (if at all), exercise (Squash), quiet times seeking God, shaving, general room cleanliness and blog posting.
Now I have 2 weeks holidays, it's time to make amends for at least one of the above.
I've had an amazing couple of weeks. I'm feeling God starting to move in my life in a way that I haven't seen in years, probably since the end of Year 12.
It all started with my class getting an extension for the previously mentioned AI assignment. I wasn't gunna be able to do it, and had no idea what it was on about. So I rock up to the Lab before it was due, not knowing where to start with the thing. Lecturer then saw that a couple of us where struggling with it, and gave us an extension for 1 week to get on top of it. I knew in that moment it was God, and that I was gunna get the assignment handed in. I did hand it in a week later, albeit only bare-bones complete. But you know what they say, P's get degrees.
Another awesome moment, and the inspiration for my blog title, was Tuesday night, where a whole bunch of young adults from York St went up to Mt Buninyong. The purpose, to reflect on Easter and all that it meant. We sang a couple of songs, had a bible reading or 2 and had communion. All up the top of the Mt. Bunny tower. Despite the fact that it was REALLY cold, I had an awesomely refreshing time. It was good to be in such a scenic spot where we could pray and be somewhat 'free' up there.
Today, being the best of Fridays, I met Tiarnee at Serviceton and we went to church. It was a simple service, and again was really nice to sit and reflect upon everything that's been happening, and of course, Easter and all that it means for me. Then this afternoon, Tiarnee and I watched 'The Passion of the Christ'. It affected me differently to the first time I saw it, less shocking I suppose, being 3 years older and having seen it before, but it was just as gripping. I felt a helplessness as I watched the movie. Not helpless because I was unable to stop the pain that Jesus felt, but helpless because that I know if I'd lived in that time and culture, I would've been apart of the angry mob.
So over all the above, I'm thankful. Life is so full for me at the moment. Each turn is an exciting one, forming a future that I don't yet know and am discovering only one day at a time. It would be a cliché to say "I can't believe it" because it is happening. I don't deserve all that I have been blessed with. The only reason I can think of for this, is that I'm loved. Beyond description and beyond measure.
Oh & BTW, I'm going to Adelaide next week for a group interview for a potential post-graduate position. Praise God!
Welcome to The Trump Crypto Era
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